Programmes calculatrice
Programmes Calculatrice
Fonctions polynôme de de degré 2
I - Détermination des coefficients a,b,c
Pour Casio | Pour TI |
Cls 0X Y1C 3X (Y1-C)/3D 4X (Y1-C)/4E E-DA D-3AB Text 1,1,"VALEURS COEFFS :" Text 10,1,"A=" Text 10,10,A Text 20,1,"B=" Text 20,10,B Text 30,1,"C=" Text 30,10,C |
Y1(0)C (Y1(3)-C)/3D (Y1(4)-C)/4E E-DA D-3AB Disp "VALEURS COEFFS :" Disp "A=" Disp A Disp "B=" Disp B Disp "C=" Disp C Pause |
II - Détermination du coefficient directeur d'une droite
Pour Casio | Pour TI |
"A(XA,YA)" "B(XB,YB)" "XA=" ?A "YA=" ?B "XB=" ?C "YB=" ?D "COEFFICIENT DIRECTEUR:" (D-B)/(C-A) |
Disp "A(XA,YA)" Disp "B(XB,YB)" Input "XA= ",A Input "YA= ",B Input "XB= ",C Input "YB= ",D Disp "COEFFICIENT DIRECTEUR :" Disp (D-B)/(C-A) |
Pour Casio | Pour TI |
"A=" ?A "B=" ?B "C=" ?C "DELTA=" B²-4ACD D If D>0 Then "2 SOLUTIONS :" "S1 =" (-B-√D)/(2A) "S2 =" (-B+√D)/(2A) Else If D=0 Then "1 SOLUTION :" "S =" -B/(2A) Else "0 SOLUTION" IfEnd IfEnd |
Input "A= ",A Input "B= ",B Input "C= ",C Disp "DELTA=" B²-4ACD Disp D If D>0 Then Disp "2 SOLUTIONS:" Disp "S1 =" Disp (B-√D)/(2A) Disp "S2 =" Disp (B+√D)/(2A) Else If D=0 Then Disp "1 SOLUTION:" Disp "S=" Disp -B/(2A) Else Disp "0 SOLUTION" End End Pause |
IV - Tableau de variation d'une fonction de la forme f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d
Attention, le programme est long !
Pour Ti (en français) | Pour Casio |
AxesNAFF EffDessin 94Ymax 62Ymax 1Xmin 1Ymin Disp "ETUDE DE FONCTION" Disp "F(X)=AX^3+BX²+CX+D" Input "A=",A Input "B=",B Input "C=",C Input "D=",D 3AE 2BF Texte(1,1,"F'(X)=") Texte(1,21,arrondi(E,2)) Texte(1,35,"X²+") Texte(1,48,arrondi(F,2)) Texte(1,62,"X+") Texte(1,72,arrondi(C,2)) F²-4ECK Texte(8,1,"DELTA=") Texte(8,25,K) If K>0 Then 2S (-F-√(K))/(2E)G (-F+√(K))/(2E)H If G>H Then GI HG IH End Texte(8,37,"S1=") Texte(8,49,arrondi(G,2)) Texte(8,68,"S2=") Texte(8,81,arrondi(H,2)) Else If K=0 Then 1S -F/(2E)H Texte(8,40,"S=") Texte(8,52,arrondi(H)) Else 0S Texte(8,40,"PAS DE SOLUTION") End End Ligne(18,47,18,1) Ligne(1,39,92,39) Ligne(1,31,92,31) Texte(14,1,"X") Texte(24,1,"F'(X)") Texte(33,1,"F(X)") If S=0 Then If C>0 Then Texte(24,55,"+") Ligne(20,2,90,29) Ligne(85,29,90,29) Ligne(87,26,90,29) Else Texte(24,55,"-") Ligne(20,29,90,2) Ligne(85,2,90,2) Ligne(87,5,90,2) End Else If S=1 Then Texte(14,55,"S") Texte(24,55,0) If E>0 Then Texte(24,36,"+") Texte(24,74,"+") Else Texte(24,36,"-") texte(24,74,"-") End Else Texte(14,37,"S1") Texte(14,68,"S2") Texte(24,37,0) Texte(24,68,0) If E>0 Then Texte(24,28,"+") Texte(24,52,"-") Texte(24,80,"+") Ligne(20,2,43,29) Ligne(38,29,43,29) Ligne(43,24,43,29) Ligne(45,29,67,2) Ligne(62,2,67,2) Ligne(67,7,67,2) Ligne(69,2,90,29) Ligne(85,29,90,29) Ligne(90,24,90,29) Else Texte(24,28,"-") Texte(24,52,"+") Texte(24,80,"-") Ligne(20,29,43,2) Ligne(38,2,43,2) Ligne(43,2,43,7) Ligne(45,2,67,2) Ligne(67,29,62,29) Ligne(67,29,67,24) Ligne(69,29,90,2) Ligne(90,2,85,2) Ligne(90,2,90,7) End |
ViewWindow 1,128,0,1,64,0
AxesOff Cls 0A~Z "ETUDE DE FONCTION" "F(X)=AX^3+BX²+CX+D" "A="?A "B="?B "C="?C "D="?D 3AE 2BF Text 1,1,"F'(X)=" Text 1,24,Int(100*E)/100 Text 1,43,"X²+" Text 1,60,Int(100*F)/100 Text 1,80,"X+" Text 1,88,Int(100*C)/100 F²-4ECK Text 8,1,"DELTA=" Text 8,25,K If K>0 Then 2S (-F-√(K))/(2E)G (-F+√(K))/(2E)H If G>H Then GI HG IH IfEnd Text 8,39,"S1=" Text 8,51,Int(100*G)/100 Text 8,72,"S2=" Text 8,85,Int(100*H)/100 Else If K=0 Then 1S -F/(2E)H Text 8,40,"S=" Text 8,52,Int(100*H)/100 Else 0S Text 8,50,"PAS DE SOLUTION" IfEnd IfEnd F-Line 20,47,20,1 F-Line 1,41,92,41 F-Line 1,31,92,31 Text 17,1,"X" Text 26,1,"F'(X)" Text 35,1,"F(X)" If S=0 Then If C>0 Then Text 26,55,"+" F-Line 20,2,90,29) F-Line 85,27,90,29) F-Line 87,26,90,29) Else Text 24,55,"-" F-Line 22,29,90,2 F-Line 85,2,90,2) F-Line 90,7,90,2) IfEnd Else If S=1 Then Text 17,55,"S" Text 26,55,0 If E>0 Then Text 26,36,"+" Text 26,74,"+" Else Text 26,36,"-") Text 26,74,"-" IfEnd Else Text 17,37,"S1" Text 17,68,"S2" Text 26,38,0 Text 26,69,0 If E>0 Then Text 26,28,"+" Text 26,52,"-" Text 26,80,"+" F-Line 22,2,43,29 F-Line 38,29,43,29 F-Line 43,24,43,29 F-Line 45,29,67,2 F-Line 62,2,67,2 F-Line 67,7,67,2 F-Line 69,2,90,29 F-Line 85,29,90,29 F-Line 90,24,90,29 Else Text 26,28,"-" Text 26,52,"+" Text 26,80,"-" F-Line 22,29,43,2 F-Line 38,2,43,2 F-Line 43,2,43,7 F-Line 45,2,67,29 F-Line 67,29,62,29 F-Line 67,29,67,24 F-Line 69,29,90,2 F-Line 90,2,85,2 F-Line 90,2,90,7 IfEnd IfEnd |
V - Programme de secours si votre calculatrice ne contient pas les fonctions binomFdp, binomFrép ou BinomialPD et BinomialCD
Ce programme permet de calculer les probabilités de la forme P(a ≤ X ≤ b) pour une loi binomiale, et donc avec de l'astuce toutes les autres probabilités possibles.
Pour Ti (en français) | Pour Casio Remarque : _C_ est la fonction combinaison, obtenue en faisant OPTNPROBnCr |
Disp "P(K2≤X≤K1)" Input "N=",N Input "P=",P Input "K1=",K Input "K2=",L 0M For (I,K,L) N Combinaison I*P^I*(1-P)^(N-I)+MM Output(1,1,"X=") Output(1,3,I) End Disp M |
"P(K2≤X≤K1)" "N="?N "P="?P "K1="?K "k2="?L 0M For KI To L Step 1 N_C_I*P^I*(1-P)^(N-I)+MM ClrText Locate 1,1,I Next M |
VI - Détermination d'un intervalle de fluctuation
Ce programme permet de calculer un intervalle de fluctuation au taux que vous choisissez
Pour Ti (en français) | Pour Casio Remarque : _C_ est la fonction combinaison, obtenue en faisant OPTNPROBnCr |
Input "N=",N Input "P=",P Input "SEUIL=",S 0M 0T Output(8,12," ") While T≤(1-S)/2 N Combinaison M*P^M*(1-P)^(N-M)+TT Output(8,12,M) M+1M End Disp "A=" TO While T<0.5+S/2 N Combinaison M*P^M*(1-P)^(N-M)+TT Output(8,12,M) M+1M End Disp "B=" Disp "P(A≤X≤B)=" Disp T-O |
"INTERVALLE DE" "FLUCTUATION" "N="?N "P="?P "SEUIL="?S 0M 0T Locate 15,7," " While T≤(1-S)/2 N_C_M*P^M*(1-P)^(N-M)+TT Locate 15,7,M M+1M WhileEnd Locate 1,7,"A= " " " TO While T<0.5+S/2 N_C_M*P^M*(1-P)^(N-M)+TT Locate 15,7,M M+1M WhileEnd Locate 1,7,"B=" "P(A≤X≤B)=" T-O |
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